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5 Foods High in Cholesterol to Avoid

5 Foods High in Cholesterol to Avoid

High cholesterol, principally caused by physical inactivity, obesity and an unhealthy diet, is a major risk factor for heart disease. Here are 5 foods high in cholesterol that should be eaten in moderation when following a heart-healthy, low-cholesterol diet:    

1. Fatty red meat:

Butter burgers, ribeye steaks, corned beef, lamb chops: just some of the red meats that are loaded with cholesterol. If you’re keeping your heart health and your cholesterol in mind, it’s best to avoid—or at least severely limit—the intake of these fattier red meats.

2. Pan-frying condiments:

 Limit your butter consumption by trading it in for margarine or olive oil. Butter, as well as bacon drippings, shortening and coconut oil, is high in saturated fats and cholesterol.

3. Egg yolks: 

 Limit egg yolks by swapping out whole eggs for egg whites to get rid of some cholesterol from your diet—and, you’ll still get to have your favorite omelet.

4. Fast food:

Hamburgers, fries and fried chicken are hard to eat in small quantities and hard to justify eating at all if you have high cholesterol; these are often cooked in hydrogenated oils, which are very high in trans fats. 

5. Dairy products:

Watch out for dairy products that are high in saturated fat content, as these can raise your cholesterol. Change out the whole milk for lower-fat varieties, and look for low-fat cheese to go on your next sandwich.

While these are just a handful of the many foods high in cholesterol, a closer look at the traits they have in common may be helpful when considering how to judge all the other food that is out there. The foods listed above do not have a place in a heart-healthy diet because they are high in cholesterol and include saturated and trans fats. Choose your food wisely and include foods containing healthier fats, like the unsaturated fats found in fish, nuts and olive oil. These healthy fats can be rich in the same omega-3 fatty acids found in MegaRed’s heart health supplements. For more information on how to support a heart-healthy lifestyle, browse the other helpful articles in our Heart Health Center. 


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